The truth may not be what schools are telling you.

It is impossible for leaders to know everything, but it is ESSENTIAL that they KNOW enough information in order to ask the right questions, to the right people.
Most people in positions to make powerful decisions, which impact education, LACK an understanding of the law, the science of reading, and important terminology/jargon. Because of this knowledge gap, they are easily fooled. This is how many people, with good intentions, make bad decisions.
Since 2015, I devoted my life to finding the cause and solutions for the reading crisis. I witnessed many intelligent dyslexic students become statistics. I did everything in my power to help them. Districts do not want to admit they did anything wrong and spent much time sweeping dirt under the rug. The truth - schools know which students struggle to read, but fail to enact Child Find (🔗below). If they followed the law - administrators would encourage teachers to determine WHY a child is struggling. If administrators were following the law they would provide students with scientific evidence-based interventions (with large gains). If administrators were following the law they would provide teachers with the appropriate training to administer the intervention with fidelity. These things would have rewired students’ brains and prevented a lifetime of struggles. #EducationalMalpractice
I have read, heard, and seen many educational leaders and administrators provide false information about the law and reading research to teachers, parents, and the school board. When these individuals are questioned on the topic of the school’s reading program, dyslexia, or scientific evidence-based interventions (🔗 below) - they spew weak rationales and quote “research,” couched in educational jargon to back bad decisions -instead of reflecting and considering the possibility that they MIGHT be wrong.
🇺🇸Education Should be Nonpartisan
Education should be NONPARTISAN and not a stepping stone into the political realm. From personal conversations with individuals from various political parties, regions of the country, SES status, race, and religion - ALL parents want the same things. They want their children to be provided with a free and appropriate education (FAPE) that equips their children with the skills/knowledge so that they can determine their OWN beliefs.
💰More Money is not the Answer
The prolific dismal reports of students’ reading proficiency all converge and show an educational system in crisis. Many continue to look the other way. If a business had data that displayed a substandard product, failure to follow existing laws, and evidence of decline - the board would fire the CEO. Why is this not occurring in our schools?
These educational leaders are on the “hot seat” and look for quick answers and “talking points,” rather than acquire a true understand of the issues at hand. Educational leaders blame the school’s failure on circumstances out of their control, which is false. Superintendents have been able to convince school boards that it is not their fault. How? because their reasons make sense to someone not familiar with the scientific research. School board believe that the educational leaders in the schools are the experts. School boards have been conditoned to believe without questioning. The school board need to put superintendents and leaders on notice and require them to use science with fidelity to guide decisions, follow the laws, use neurodevelopment and the science of reading to teach ALL children to read.
If one has time and the desire, it is easy to find the truth about the reading crisis. The truth is clear. Even though there are several root causes, the answers are simple. The solutions are practical and easy to implement. And, no- the answer is not to spend more money!
Billions of dollars are wasted across our country on: (1) programs that are proven NOT to work; (2) legal fees due to schools’ failure to provide FAPE; and (3) high salaries for educational leaders, (many) whom have proven their incompetence, refuse to listen to teachers and parents, and have a history of making poor decisions. Yet, somehow they are able to keep their jobs or find similar jobs in another district and/or another state - only to continue the status-quo and leave a trail of destruction and a legacy of failure.
Educational funding is ear-marked. (🔗 below) and has requirements for schools. Much money is suppose to be spent on our teachers to equip them to provide the highest-level of education to ALL children. Money should be used towards: recruitment and retention of the best and brightest teachers; professional development to provide teachers with the tools and the knowledge to do their jobs; and protection of teachers when they KNOW of practices within the system that breaks laws or are unethical. Teachers are silenced. (Link below. Read about a new law to stop this) In most states, upstanding ethical teachers are not protected by the union. 🤔 Often, administrators make teachers scared of the school board. Across many states, I have first-hand evidence of teachers fearful to speak the truth, even when provided assurances. Why? They have seen others who tried to make change face unspeakable actions because they believed that truth would win. This story is not uncommon
In many situations, teachers are treated poorly by administration. Many times are stuck in the middle and in a no-win situation. Teachers experience the wrath of frustrated parents. Teachers live under stressful, unrealistic mandates. Pressure. Latent retaliation. Incompetent, unqualified individuals providing professional development in an effort to save money and a lack of time to research truth for themselves. Worse, there are principals that actually create barriers for teachers to do their jobs. There are principals that censor their teachers- restricting the open-flow of information to parents so parents cannot make informed educational decisions about their children.
Our teachers spend more waking hours with our children, than parents. We need the best teachers to stay in the classroom. We need to make sure that administrators respect, support, and value them. Teachers are the heroes. Freedom is won or lost in our classrooms. Our teachers are on the front lines. They are the warriors.
Teachers innately trust their leadership. Why wouldn’t they? Unbeknownst to them, many administrators have closed-door conversation and are pushing personal agenda - while keeping the school board in the dark, failing to disclose important information for legislators to make wise decisions.
🇺🇸The Best Way to Make Change
Become informed and vote. School Boards (are suppose to) have the MOST power. Vote for the BEST candidate, not by party affiliation. Vote for someone who is a doer. Vote for someone who is more concerned about doing the right thing than being liked. People will like you IF you do what is right and ensure that ALL children can read.
The best way to make a change is at the local level. Most people have no idea the power of their local school board. Individuals spend time complaining about federal and state decisions, and many fail to show up to local school board elections.
The local school board is an elected body that is suppose to have the MOST power over the local school. We need to go back to the BASICS in order to move our schools forward. The basics: a focus on reading and mathematics-driven by science. Vote for officials who have a SERVANT’S MINDSET and make sure leaders are hired with like mindsets. You can change the culture of your district.
🤔Something to think about:
▪️Why are we not investing money into our teachers? Teachers change lives.
▪️Why do we not provide teachers with rigors, accurate, and relevant professional development so they know how to teach reading AND can remediate students who are struggling readers?
▪️Why are teachers not informed of their legal and ethical responsibilities with Child Find? or parents rights under IDEA -Procedural Safeguards (🔗below)?
Teachers have the biggest hearts and pure intentions; yet, those who use education as a stepping stone into the political scene or the love power- pit teachers against parents and teachers against other teachers. Please realize that one way to stay in power is to have fighting with the ranks. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is a fact.
🚫Schools Failure to Use Science is the Root Cause of this Crisis
Using science to make decisions in all educational practices is common sense. The scientific-research of HOW to teach reading is not new. The evidence of it efficacy has been around for 40+ years. Many individuals have the right ingredients but not the exact neurodevelopmental recipes; therefore, it may only work for some. The right recipe works for all students. All children can learn how to read.
🔎Finding the Truth
There are two saying that I have found to be true: 💯The truth is often stranger than fiction. 💯When the truth is found, the first emotion is to be angry.
Degrees and certifications (teaching, reading specialists, or administrators etc) or even experience do not make one an EXPERT or knowledgeable. I know that sounds NUTS. The experience must be successful experience of identifying and remediating struggling readers. Knowledge must be accurate and rooted in science. (🔗below). Holding many degrees myself, some assumed I was an expert. I always searched for truth, but I remained ignorant of my ignorance because I made the mistake of relying on individuals who I perceived as experts. 🤦♀️ #NeverAssume I was trained in whole-language (1990s), balanced-literacy (2000s), and guided reading- all programs are NOT supported by science, in fact there are many studies that prove they do NOT work. (Link below) I had to acquires my knowledge/skills on the science of reading and dyslexia science on my own time and my own dime.
A perfect example from last week: The Tennessee Chapter if ILA had Dr. Allington present at a conference (🔗 below). Decades ago, educators looked to him as a guru. He is a THEORIST, not a scientist nor a practitioner. Last week he made many inappropriate and erroneous comments spreading propaganda. His audience - teachers, reading specialists, and educational leaders. I pray that those in attendance SEEK truth. His speech SHOULD make one question his credibility -stating that dyslexia does not even exist. 🤷🏼♀️ It is individuals like Allington, driven by ego and money. This is just one example of reckless actions that tries to denies a free and appropriate education to all students. Disturbingly, those most impacted are minorities and those who are financially challenged. The abilities to read is a civil right. Reading is the key to freedom and unlocks to doors to endless potentials. Could it be that some individuals want to keep many citizens illiterate or functionally illiterate? It is easy to influence and control people who cannot read.
✏️Take away message: Be CAREFUL. Anyone can be referenced as an expert.
Be part of the solution and spread the truth. It is not only my passion to share the truth, it is my obligation. -BethAnn Johnson Pratte
ADVOCATE = Anyone who cares about children and fights for justice. Advocacy is a verb.
➡️Task #1: Find out the qualifications, experience, and skills/knowledge of the individual (in your district or stars) who makes decisions about reading curricula (K-3) and interventions for students who struggle with literacy?
❓Have they ever taught using the science of reading or a dyslexia practitioner?
❓Do they have credentials from CERI or a program approved by IDA?
❓Will s/he permit you to review the professional development on dyslexia, science of reading curriculum, and educational law?
❓Is s/he willing to hold conversation about #Dyslexia #DyslexiaScience #ScienceOfReading
and interventions based in scientific studies that showed large gains with RCT?
➡️Task #2: Find out the reading programs used by the schools (grade K-3)AND interventions.
If you cannot find this information or they refuse to give it to you- be VERY concerned. #DemandTransparency
⚓️Anchor yourself with resources
Districts try to silence staff. To read entire article, enter your email (for free access)
Information about the author
Article that contained quote from the post.
State Educational Agency mandate for obtain Federal Funding 20 U.S. Code § 1412 - State eligibility | U.S. Code | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Procedural Safeguards IDEA
The Child Find Mandate
Article on Mr. Allington
Dr. Shaywitz Testimony before Congress: What is Evidence-base?
Reading Programs and Methods that Do Not Work
Articles on the Neurodevelopment of reading #DyslexiaScience
IDA Accredation Program and Standards
Reading Specialist Lack of Understanding on the Science of Reading
🔗Why aren't kids being taught to read? | Hard Words | APM Reports
Purpose of Federal Law IDEA and reference to Science of reading and rigorous professional development 20USC 1400(c)(5)
Links to some scientific research: Read the actual scientific research on reading fluency and not a personal opinion book written by someone who has published zero research on the topic. Second-hand information is always less accurate and commonly tainted by the author’s bias. The best information directly from the scientist experts who actually designed, conducted and published the research.
Patricia Lindamood's research works | California Polytechnic State University
How to best achieve “reading fluency”?
Names of Others to Read:
• Marilyn Jager Adams, Ph.D.
• Ann Alexander, MD
• C. Wilson Anderson, Jr., MAT, F/AOGPE
• Dirk J. Bakker, Ph.D.
• Virginia W. Berninger, Ph.D.
• Susan Brady, Ph.D.
• Hugh Catts, Ph.D.
• Timothy Conway, Ph.D.
• Martha Denckla, M.D.
• Drake D. Duane, M.D.
• Jack M. Fletcher, Ph.D.
• Uta Frith, Ph.D.
• Albert M. Galaburda, M.D.
• Edith Klasen, Ph.D.
• C. K. Leong, Ph.D.
• Patricia Lindamood, LSP
• G. Reid Lyon, Ph.D.
• John McLeod, Ph.D.
• Louisa Moats, Ed.D.
• Bruce Pennington, Ph.D.
• Hollis S. Scarborough, Ph.D.
• Bennett A. Shaywitz, M.D.
• Sally E. Shaywitz, M.D.
• Gordon F. Sherman, Ph.D.
• Margaret Snowling, Ph.D.
• Mark Seidenberg, Ph.D.
• Joseph K. Torgesen, Ph.D.
• Beverly Wolf, M.Ed.
• Maryanne Wolf, Ed.D.
If you are searching for specific information, please comment below. Sharing truth is not only our mission, but our obligation.